Good Morning,
In light of the heartbreaking events at the Gander SPCA and the unfortunate loss of so many sweet puppies and dogs, I felt the need to thank you and let you know how much of an impact you have made on my life, by giving me my best friend almost 2 years ago. After my first dog died at the age of 13 years, with him lighting up mine and my families life, I wasn't sure when or if I'd be ready for another dog. Losing him was the hardest thing ever, but I stayed by his side through his final breaths. About a year after Jack's passing, a friend of mine had said they had brought their sweet pupper - who I'd already grown to love - to the SPCA in Gander. I went home that night, and said to my mom, "Mom, we have to get "Dax" - The name that was given to him when he came in. (Max is too generic, I agree). We sent in the application that night and my best friend spent less than 24 hours in the shelter. I skipped off the morning of school to go and see him, and hopefully take him home. As soon as I saw him, he was the same playful pupper he always was, and we played Soccer outside while the application was processed and we were approved to take him home. Since then, he's been dubbed Fox, he's moved to St. John's with me and he has absolutely become my familiar, my best friend and the most handsome little man around. He loves everyone so much (and everyone loves him) and has so much love in his little body, but he knows when someone has bad intentions and will do anything to prevent the people who he loves from getting hurt. He's an absolute sucker for cuddles. Any opportunity for a cuddle arises, and he's there. He has the best fashion sense, and loves to pick out his shirts in the morning, go for swims in the duck ponds, and play and go for walks downtown with his two best (doggy) friends, Abby and Aura. He loves his backyard and he's always on the lookout and trying to play with the neighbors sweet girl. He always has my back and has protected me in ways I never thought he would, he's the reason I wake up with no room in my bed (Can you say bed hog?) and a smile on my face. He's seen my worst and my best days and he loves me unconditionally through it all, making sure to give me kisses and cuddles every night. Together we face everything, it's us against the world, and I couldn't be more grateful for him Me and Fox give you our deepest condolences in this hard time, and we want to sincerely thank you, for giving us each other. The Gander SPCA has always been an organization I've supported, and anyone who works as hard as all of the staff and volunteers do to love, care for and unite any of these animals with their forever home have my utmost appreciation and respect. Thank you, Torey & Fox in Socks "Dogs come into our lives to teach us about love... They depart to teach us about loss. A new dog never replaces an old dog; it merely expands the heart. If you have loved many dogs, your heart is big." - Erica Jong |